June 11, 2008

Usko tänään

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Slavoj Zizek tells the story of Niels Bohr being asked if he believed that a horseshoe hanging above his door would bring good luck. He said, "No, of course not, but I'm told that it works even if you don't believe."
According to Zizek, this is the way we believe today. It applies to horseshoes, Alcoholics Anonymous and Pascal's wager. Religious ritual is participated in with the hope that it will work.
A fundamentalist, on the other hand, might really believe, but "to really believe according to Lacan, and apropos of Sartre, is to become the dupe of your beliefs, the victim of your phantasies."[1]

[1]Slavoj Zizek, lecture delivered at Deitch Projects, November 23, 2004. See also, "Jews, Christians and Other Monsters," in Lacanian Ink 23, Spring 2004.




mattitaneli said...

Hei hyvä Rauno,

Kiitos taas kiintoisasta Zizek-sitaatista.
Rituaali on siis keskeisempää kuin
oppi. Toisaalta rituaaliin sisältyy
jokin oppi tai jokin senkaltainen
- aina.
Onkohan niin, että pyhään sekoittuu
aina jotain sekulaaria tai pikemmin
vielä enemmän?
Rane: Tärkeä olisi kuullu Sinun näkemyksesi ja kommenttisi tähän,

Ystävällisesti Matti

Rauno Rasanen said...

Kirjoitin vastaukseksi erillisen päreen.