June 1, 2008

John Fogerty: Ramble Tamble + Bootleg ym.

Äskettäin kehutun keikan Suomessakin tehnyt John Fogerty ja kaksi hänen CCR-biisiään livenä tämän vuoden alusta.
(Tähän päreeseen tulee lisää uusia live-videoita)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uztO2dNRbxA (Ramble Tamble, Cosmos Factory, 1970 - rumpali Kenny Aronoff on kerta kaikkiaan vakuuttava.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY2cOupgWRQ (Bootleg, Bayou Country, 1969, - kitarayhteissoittoa parhaimmillaan. Laulun, jonka John esittelee, ja jonka syntyideasta hän kertoo videopätkän lopussa, kuulemme tässä: Who'll Stop the Rain.)

John and Julie Fogerty 2008 Grammy Awards Pre-show
John and Julie Fogerty are interviewed by E! Entertainment during the Live from the Red Carpet at the 2008 Grammy Awards.

Johnin (s.1945) toinen vaimo Julie (s.1960) on hänen elämänsä nainen. Yli 20 vuotta yhteiseloa takana: kaksi poikaa ja 6½ vuotias tytär.
Kummallakin oli heidän tavatessaan 1986 koettuna yksi avioliitto ja ero: Juliella siitä oli tytär, Johnilla, joka oli mennyt melko nuorena naimisiin 1960-luvun puolessa välissä oli kolme jo aikuista (yli 18 v.) lasta: kaksi poikaa ja tytär.

Seuraavassa ote jutusta, jossa John kertoo mm., miten tarkalla oli, että hän ja Julie ylipäätään koskaan tapasivat. John oli tällöin henkisesti lähes katastrofaalisesa tilanteessa: avioero, Saul Zaentzin (ent. CCR-levy-yhtiön pomo) oikeudenkäyntihaasteet, CCR:n jäsenten sisäiset intressiriidat, taloudelliset ongelmat, taiteellisen suunnan kadottaminen, vakavat psyykkiset oireilut jne.)

[After Creedence] ...I spent much of the next 30 years in litigation, battling with my record label, music publisher and former bandmates to protect the artistic integrity of my music and my financial rights to what I'd created. By the mid-1980s the emotional and financial toll of fighting these battles for so long came to a head.

One day I was giving yet another deposition and found myself so angry that I couldn't remember my own address or telephone number! I remember going into a department store and being so fearful and dysfunctional that I could not ask a salesperson about buying a pair of socks. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't feel. Music was who I was and I could not understand why or how I could lose so much.

But everything changed one night in September 1986. I was on tour in Indianapolis. I'd wandered into a club near the hotel. After about 15 minutes, I had decided to leave, but suddenly the shadows parted.
There she was. I actually said to myself, "That's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Her name was Julie. It was extremely lucky that we met at all. Julie was helping her sister move across the state and they had stopped in Indy for a break. They were just about to leave. Fifteen minutes—either way—and we would never have met.

We fell in love. Let me say that again. We fell in love. To me there is no more meaningful occurrence in this life. Though I had been married once before, in Julie I experienced what happens when another person becomes more important than one's self.
I learned the concept of sharing—that's a big one. My psyche at the time was in such bad shape. I was a self-destructive mess. But in Julie I had total acceptance, something I'd never felt. She became my wife, my love, my best friend.
Finally, my heart began healing. Meeting Julie opened that path.

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