Olen perehtynyt melkein kaikkiin asioihin ja ymmärrän niitä, jos vain haluan. Ainoastaan omat tekoni, tunteeni ja naisen logiikka ovat jääneet minulle mysteereiksi.
March 4, 2009
'Miten älykkäät ovatkaan sinun silmäsi. Miten vastustamaton sinun katseesi. Miten tunkeekaan äänesi läpi ruumiini. Äiti sinä olet. Usko nyt jo viimein ja huolehdi minusta - kuin omasta pojastasi.'
Miksi silmäsi ovat älyä täydet? Miksi katseesi on niiin tietävä? Miksi äänesi tunkee läpi pääni? Äitikö, sinäkö se olet? Miksi haluat huolehtia minusta - kuin omasta pojastasi?
For Your Consideration Simulationist Solipsist Realism (or the Truman Show meets Tron; also see Vanilla Sky): The belief that the self can be aware of nothing but its own experiences and that nothing exists or is real but the self, while all objects, persons, ideas, and concepts are constructs of a computer simulation. [In this day in age, where philosophers muse about the possibility of reality as a computer simulation, one has to wonder if he's the hero in someone's video game...I wonder how I'm doing ;-) A man should never want to prove such as thing, lest he go mad.]
Actus Purus is a term employed in scholastic philosophy to express the absolute perfection of God.
Created beings have potentiality that is not actuality, imperfections as well as perfection. Only God is simultaneously all that He can be, infinitely real and infinitely perfect: `I am who I am`(Exodus 3:14). His attributes or His operations, are really identical with His essence, and His essence includes essentially His existence.
In created beings, the state of potentiality precedes that of actuality; before being realized, a perfection must be capable of realization. But, absolutely speaking, actuality precedes potentiality. For in order to change, a thing must be acted upon, or actualized; change and potentiality presuppose, therefore, a being which is in actu. This actuality, if mixed with potentiality, presupposes another actuality, and so on, until we reach the Actus Purus.
Miksi silmäsi ovat älyä täydet?
Miksi katseesi on niiin tietävä?
Miksi äänesi tunkee läpi pääni?
Äitikö, sinäkö se olet?
Miksi haluat huolehtia minusta
- kuin omasta pojastasi?
For Your Consideration
Simulationist Solipsist Realism (or the Truman Show meets Tron; also see Vanilla Sky): The belief that the self can be aware of nothing but its own experiences and that nothing exists or is real but the self, while all objects, persons, ideas, and concepts are constructs of a computer simulation. [In this day in age, where philosophers muse about the possibility of reality as a computer simulation, one has to wonder if he's the hero in someone's video game...I wonder how I'm doing ;-) A man should never want to prove such as thing, lest he go mad.]
hei markus, cyborg
Halloo, Rauno, missä olet? Mikset täällä iloisesti mellastele, että näkisin sinun elävän?
minua sinä et ole muistanut enää aikoihin, mutta silti ihmettelen minäkin tätä uutta hiljaisuutta. Mitä se tuo tullessaan?
Hei hyvä Rauno,
Kiitos runosta.
Oletko lukenut yhden toisen Rekolan
runoja, joka vaikutti Tukholmassa?
Ystävällisesti Matti
hei rauno, taas unohdin sen tytän nimen...bloggari e..ma...el...kreikkaa tai latinaa..se kaikkein viisain tyttä
Lounaskutsu http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/06b42e32-09dd-11de-add8-0000779fd2ac.html
Actus Purus is a term employed in scholastic philosophy to express the absolute perfection of God.
Created beings have potentiality that is not actuality, imperfections as well as perfection. Only God is simultaneously all that He can be, infinitely real and infinitely perfect: `I am who I am`(Exodus 3:14). His attributes or His operations, are really identical with His essence, and His essence includes essentially His existence.
In created beings, the state of potentiality precedes that of actuality; before being realized, a perfection must be capable of realization. But, absolutely speaking, actuality precedes potentiality. For in order to change, a thing must be acted upon, or actualized; change and potentiality presuppose, therefore, a being which is in actu. This actuality, if mixed with potentiality, presupposes another actuality, and so on, until we reach the Actus Purus.
Pääsispä zizekiä tapaamaan.
ninni, eufemia.blogspot.com
Hei hyvä Rauno,
Kiitos kysymästä.
Tarkoitin Juhani Rekolaa.
"Ääneen lausuttu toivottomuus
on parempi kuin lausumatta
jäänyt. Yhteisestä toivottomuudesta
alkaa toivo."
Ystävällisesti Matti
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