He ovat pysyneet yhdessä vain
lasten eikä suinkaan rakkauden takia [?]
Tämä päre on eräänlainen huomautus
Ironmistressin päreeseen Valkoihoinen nainen, vapaata riistaako?
Jack and Winnie Sandford got married in 1933 and have
been together 77 years, longer than anyone else on earth, but according to
98-year-old Jack it is a living hell. ‘Every morning I wake up and wish I was
dead. Or better still she was.’
‘We are staying together for the sake of the kids,’ said
Winnie, 96. ‘It would destroy them if we were to break up. If it weren’t for
them I would have left years ago. I am not an unattractive woman. I have had
offers in the past, and I see how the man at the mobility shop looks at me, but
I have to put my children first.’
However, their children, who both still live at home disagree. Their eldest son, Howard, 76 says: ‘I wish they would split up. We hate hearing them argue. It’s not so bad for me, but my little sister Emily gets really upset by it.’
Emily, 72, continues: ‘Howard is older than me and goes out with his friends quite a lot so isn’t around as much. When it gets really bad I just go to my room and turn the wireless up loud to try and drown out the sound of them shouting and swearing at each other.’
But Jack is adamant that he and Winnie are going to stick it out. ‘We have heard that children from broken homes are more likely to end up becoming involved in crime and anti-social behaviour. We don’t want that for our children,’ he says. ‘They deserve a future.’
Frank Sinatra - Love and marriage [go together like a horse and garriage]
(S. Cahn, J. Van Heusen)
[Recorded October 21, 1965, Hollywood]
Love and marriage, love and marriage,
Go together like a horse and carriage.
This I tell ya, brother, you can't have one without the other.
Love and marriage, love and marriage,
It's an institute you can't disparage.
Ask the local gentry and they will say it's elementary.
Try, try, try to separate them, it's an illusion.
Try, try, try and you only come to this conclusion:
Love and marriage, love and marriage,
Go together like a horse and carriage.
Dad was told by mother you can't have one
You can't have none.
You can't have one without the other.
[Musical interlude]
Try, try, try to separate them, it's an illusion.
Try, try, try and you only come to this conclusion:
Love and marriage, love and marriage,
Go together like a horse and carriage.
Dad was told by mother you can't have one
(You can't have none.)
You can't have one without the othe
However, their children, who both still live at home disagree. Their eldest son, Howard, 76 says: ‘I wish they would split up. We hate hearing them argue. It’s not so bad for me, but my little sister Emily gets really upset by it.’
Emily, 72, continues: ‘Howard is older than me and goes out with his friends quite a lot so isn’t around as much. When it gets really bad I just go to my room and turn the wireless up loud to try and drown out the sound of them shouting and swearing at each other.’
But Jack is adamant that he and Winnie are going to stick it out. ‘We have heard that children from broken homes are more likely to end up becoming involved in crime and anti-social behaviour. We don’t want that for our children,’ he says. ‘They deserve a future.’
Frank Sinatra - Love and marriage [go together like a horse and garriage]
(S. Cahn, J. Van Heusen)
[Recorded October 21, 1965, Hollywood]
Love and marriage, love and marriage,
Go together like a horse and carriage.
This I tell ya, brother, you can't have one without the other.
Love and marriage, love and marriage,
It's an institute you can't disparage.
Ask the local gentry and they will say it's elementary.
Try, try, try to separate them, it's an illusion.
Try, try, try and you only come to this conclusion:
Love and marriage, love and marriage,
Go together like a horse and carriage.
Dad was told by mother you can't have one
You can't have none.
You can't have one without the other.
[Musical interlude]
Try, try, try to separate them, it's an illusion.
Try, try, try and you only come to this conclusion:
Love and marriage, love and marriage,
Go together like a horse and carriage.
Dad was told by mother you can't have one
(You can't have none.)
You can't have one without the othe
Ihmisen on tehtävä uhrauksia korkeampien päämäärien eteen. Nuo kaksi ovat antaneet enemmän kuin kaikkensa - he ovat uhranneet oman onnensa perheensä ja sukunsa onnen hyväksi.
Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Ainoastaan lapset kantavat elämää tulevaisuuteen. Siksi lasten saaminen ja heidän huolenpidostaan huolehtiminen on paljon tärkeämpää ja olennaisempaa kuin oma onni.
Ruukinmatruuna on hyvin sukurakas ihminen, eikä epäröisi uhrata omaa onnellisuuttaan sukunsa onnen eteen ja huolehtia sukunsa jäsenistä jos jotain sattuu.
Tämä näkemys oli täysin normaalia vielä muutama vuosikymmen sitten. Nykyään se ei ole oikein muotia. Mutta ikävä kyllä konservatiivi on aina pitkällä aikavälillä oikeassa - vain ne kulttuurit menestyvät ja selviytyvät, joissa yksilöt kykenevät uhraamaan oman onnensa yhteisönsä hyväksi ja toisaalta jossa yhteisö ei tukahduta yksilöitä hengiltä. Hedonismi on kulttuurin kannalta itsemurha.
Näyttäisi siltä, että jälkikasvulle ei tosiaankaan ole anti-sosiaalisia kättäytymisiä tullut. Eikä sosiaalisia.
"Nyt ohjaat kiltisti rollaattorin huoneseesi, isukilla ja äitylillä olisi vähän keskusteltavaa!"
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